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18 May

🎁Free Giveaway🛍 by Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea

即日起至2018年5月31日,現凡於Blooms網站購買任何產品,即送你指定咖啡體驗包乙包! From NOW till 31st May 2018,  for every purchase on Blooms website, you will received a free coffee trial pack with selected coffee.  Shop Now and get your free coffee trial pack today. 開始選購 Start Shopping Read more.

22 March

Happy Easter SALE! 5% Discount on selected items 復活節精選優惠 by Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea

為與你一起慶祝復活節的到臨,Blooms特別推出精選產品優惠,即日起至2018年3月27日,購買以下產品即可獲95折優惠! To celebrate the Easter holidays, Blooms presents Happy Easter Sale! From now until 27th March 2018, you can enjoy 5% discount on the following selected products! Sweet Cocoa (罐裝 Tin Collection)Panama Don KEthiopia Yirgacheffe G1CarryOn (Fruity & Nutty Pack) 請於結帳時輸入優惠碼Please enter the Discount code when you check out: HappyEaster... Read more.

21 March

New Release! Guatemala Santa Clara Antigua新登場 by Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea

位於危地馬拉(Guatemala)南部的安提瓜(Antigua)產區,由Agua、Acatenango及Fuego與三座火山環繞的聖塔克拉拉莊園(Finca Santa Clara),莊園位處海拔1,600至1,830米高的安提瓜山谷(Antigua Valley)南部肥沃山坡上,火山土壤養份豐富,加上種植過程中小心控制咖啡樹吸取的陽光程度,得以種植出優秀的精品咖啡豆。 莊園由Zelaya家族自1974年開始經營,目前已經營至第四代,自從他們接收經營開始,他們將種植面植大幅增加,並增設濕處理廠、曬豆場、溫室等設備改善種植環境,以顯示他們對咖啡品質的追求和堅持。 This renowned family owns farms throughout Guatemala and grows one of only a handful of genuine "Antigua" coffees (coffees grown in the Antigua valley area bounded by three volcanoes – Agua, Acatenango and Fuego). Finca Santa Clara is located on the fertile southern slopes of... Read more.

19 March

埃塞俄比亞耶加雪夫新上市 Ethiopia Yirgacheffe G1 Now Available by Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea

耶加雪夫(Yirgacheffe)位於埃塞俄比亞南部西達摩(Sidamo) 地區之內,由於出產的咖啡帶著迷人的花果香,因此從西達摩產品中獨立出來成為微產區。這個陡峭的綠色地帶蘊含肥沃的泥土,加上大部份咖啡種植在海拔2,000米以上,種植出風靡不少咖啡迷的咖啡豆。 耶加雪夫和該產區出產的咖啡豆一樣,帶有明亮而獨特果香及花香。 非洲咖啡豆採用水洗處理的分為Grade 1及2,在水選浮豆過程中,每300克生豆只有0-3粒瑕疵豆,才能達到Grade 1水平;Grade 2代表每300克生豆只有4-12粒瑕疵豆。 這款淺烘焙耶加雪夫適合喜歡品嚐甜美果酸味道的朋友。 Yirgacheffe is actually part of the Sidamo region in southern Ethiopia, but its exquisite washed coffees are so well-known that is has been sub-divided into its own micro-region. This steep, green area is both fertile and high – much of the coffee... Read more.

27 February

咖啡掛耳包限時優惠 Drip Bag Coffee Limited Time Sale by Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea

早前在海港城開設的Pop-up Store,不少顧客讚賞咖啡掛耳包方便又有質素,為了答謝顧客支持,我們特別推出咖啡掛耳包限時優惠。 We receive some compliments about our drip bag coffee at the Harbour City Pop-up Store. To thanks for your support, we launch the following limited time offer. Indonesia Sumatra Aceh Refill Pack 特價 special price $108 (原價 original $120)優惠碼 Discount code: ACEH El Salvador La Batalla COE Refill... Read more.