
Blooms全力支持香港抱石錦標賽2017 Blooms fully support Hong Kong Bouldering Championships 2017
抱石是一項表現力量、判斷力、身體柔軟度及心理質素的運動,尤如「峭壁上的芭蕾」,展現人體攀爬潛能。 我們作為對咖啡茶飲講求熱誠、追求質素的品牌,全力支持於2017年3月19日舉行的「香港抱石錦標賽2017」,免費派發自家烘焙的咖啡及工藝茶,為運動健兒、打氣團隊及觀眾送上我們的支持和鼓勵。 Bouldering is a form of rock climbing that is performing power, judgment, sport softness and psychological quality. Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea constantly push the boundaries and aspire to learn more and discover what truly makes the perfect cup. We fully support Hong Kong Bouldering Championships held on... Read more.