Blooms全新概念Pop-up Store登場 360 Brew Bar 全方位感官體驗 Blooms Brand New Concept Pop-up Store 360 Brew Bar - Enlighten Your Palate
Blooms Roastery ~ Craft Tea剛於尖沙咀海港城開設全新概念Pop-up Store——360 Brew Bar,用專業手法細緻沖泡精品咖啡及手工茶,讓顧客免費品嚐,引領大家品味咖啡和茶的另一個層次。同時將於現場發售期間限定賀年禮盒,配搭手工松露朱古力,完美體現咖啡、茶與朱古力組合出來的頂尖味覺享受。
Blooms Roastery ~ Craft Tea is launching its 2nd Pop-up Store in the Harbour City. Located in the shopping arcade's ground floor, a specially built 360 Brew Bar will serve as an experience space and retail outlet, offering free tasting of specialty coffee and craft tea. A wide range of products are available in the store, including freshly roasted specialty coffee, craft tea, drip bag coffee and limited edition gift sets. Come and experience the palate-pleasing enjoyment.
360 Brew Bar 全方位感觀體驗
Blooms 360 Brew Bar的設計,能讓你近距離感受沖泡藝術之美,精準的份量控制,適當的水溫調節,專業的沖泡手法,配合準繩的時間操作,為顧客帶來視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、味覺及觸覺的全方位感受。品嚐精品咖啡和手工茶除了是味覺享受,也是沖泡藝術的體現,從品味咖啡和茶的活動中,建構生活美學。
360 Brew Bar - exceptional coffee & tea experience
Shoppers will experience specialty coffee and craft tea brewing aesthetic in our 360 Brew Bar. The brewing and tasting of coffee and tea provide a complex multi-sensory experience generated by the combined senses of vision, smell, touch, hearing and taste.
Sweet Cocoa 為朱古力愛好者而設的拼配咖啡豆
Blooms是次的Pop-up Store參與海港城的Chocolate Trail活動,為此特別研發了全新拼配咖啡豆Sweet Cocoa,由Brazil Fazenda Pedra Redonda Yellow Catuai及Tanzania Peaberry拼配而成,在充滿堅果味道的底韻中,透現出黑朱古力味道,還帶有少許成熟布冧的甜度,建議配搭可可成份較高的朱古力享用,感受咖啡與朱古力碰撞出來的滋味。
Sweet Cocoa拼配豆只限於尖沙咀Pop-up Store發售。
Sweet Cocoa - Limited Edition Blend Coffee
Sweet Cocoa is a specially blend coffee created for the Harbour City Chocolate Trail. It is the mixing of Brazil Fazenda Pedra Redonda Yellow Catuai and Tanzania Peaberry. Nutty based coffee with dark chocolate note and a hint of ripe plum. It goes perfectly with dark chocolate.
Sweet Cocoa is only available at TST Pop-up Store.
期間限定賀年禮盒 與朱古力迸發新滋味
咖啡、茶與朱古力在生產製作上有不少共通點,而味道配搭上亦會帶來不少驚喜。Blooms最新推出三款賀年禮盒——可自選精品咖啡及手工茶配搭的Blissful、自選手工茶的Bliss - Tea,以及內藏一罐El Salvador La Batalla COE咖啡的Bliss - Coffee,均配搭手工製作的松露朱古力,將品茶和咖啡時光提升至品味體驗,享用朱古力的同時細膩咖啡和茶的味道變化。
三款賀年禮盒只限於尖沙咀Pop-up Store發售。
CNY Limited Edition Gift Sets
Coffee, tea and chocolate are the perfect match. To celebrate Lunar New Year 2018, Blooms presents a series of gift sets which is pop-up store exclusive.
除了賀年禮盒,Blooms精選七款精品咖啡及七款手工茶於Pop-up Store發售,更有熱賣產品CarryOn及Welcome Pack。大受歡迎的掛耳包Refill Pack,將會有12款口味於現場發售,涵蓋堅果及果香風味的單品豆咖啡,期間限定供應的拼配豆Sweet Cocoa亦設有掛耳包選擇。
Blooms Pop-up Store @ Harbour City
地點:尖沙咀海港城港威商場地下 (Marc Jacobs及Philip Plein對出)
G/F, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui (Near Marc Jacobs & Philip Plein)
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