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打破沉悶的咖啡禮物 Welcome Pack帶來精品咖啡新體驗 by Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea

Blooms自推出CarryOn以來,大受歡迎,方便攜帶的掛耳包專屬手提包,讓大家能輕鬆帶備心愛的咖啡出門。延續CarryOn的概念,最新推出禮盒裝Welcome Pack,送禮自用兩相宜。

Welcome Pack包括一個掛耳包專屬手提包CarryOn,內藏6個咖啡掛耳包,以及用時尚Pastel Colour設計的Blooms Box,盛載著9個咖啡掛耳包,隨時為CarryOn補充優質咖啡。

Welcome Pack的咖啡口味有兩種選擇,包括

果味豐富Fruity Pack

Fruity Pack精選三款帶著柔順果酸的咖啡豆:

Panama Esmeralda Mario San Jose

Ethiopia Sidamo Hunkute

El Salvador La Batalla COE


堅果飄香Nutty Pack

Nutty Pack精選三款堅果味突出的咖啡豆:

Honduras Beneficio Santa Rosa Fair trade

Colombia Finca Veracruz

Indonesia Sumatra Aceh Mengaya





New Specialty Coffee Gift Ideas

Welcome Pack is on the market

Since the launch of CarryOn, drinking Blooms drip bag coffee becomes a trend in the city. The classic grey colour design bag can hold up to 6 drip bags. Small in size. Handy to carry out solely or place in the handbag. It becomes the most fashionable coffee solution.

Continuation of CarryOn concept, We proudly present a new gift box - Welcome Pack.  Good as a present and for personal use.

Welcome Pack composes of 2 elements: a CarryOn and a Blooms Box. CarryOn carrying 6 drip bag coffee. To make refill more easy and convenient, the pastel colour Blooms Box carrying 9 drip bag coffee.

We have 2 collections of Welcome Pack:

Fruity Pack

3 selected coffee beans carrying fruity notes:

Panama Esmeralda Mario San Jose

Ethiopia Sidamo Hunkute

El Salvador La Batalla COE


Nutty Pack

3 selected coffee beans carrying nutty aroma:

Honduras Beneficio Santa Rosa Fair trade

Colombia Finca Veracruz

Indonesia Sumatra Aceh Mengaya

Blooms Drip bag coffee is perfect for everyone to enjoy fresh ground coffee. Use high-quality traceable arabica coffee beans. Roasters tailor-made unique roasting profile for each bean and roast per order. What you need are just a cup and hot water. Just Hang the drip bag on a cup and add hot water over ground coffee. Your cup of nice coffee will be ready in 2 minutes. So everyone can enjoy premium coffee even without a coffee maker.

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