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咖啡掛耳包限時優惠 Drip Bag Coffee Limited Time Sale by Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea

早前在海港城開設的Pop-up Store,不少顧客讚賞咖啡掛耳包方便又有質素,為了答謝顧客支持,我們特別推出咖啡掛耳包限時優惠。
We receive some compliments about our drip bag coffee at the Harbour City Pop-up Store. To thanks for your support, we launch the following limited time offer.

Indonesia Sumatra Aceh Refill Pack
特價 special price $108 (原價 original $120)
優惠碼 Discount code: ACEH

El Salvador La Batalla COE Refill Pack
特價 special price $203 (原價 original $239)
優惠碼 Discount code: COE

結帳時於購物車Discount Code一欄輸入以上相應的優惠碼即可。
Enter relevant Discount Code at the "discount code" field when you check out.

優惠期 Discount Period:27-Feb to 12-Mar-2018

按此開始購物 Click to start shopping

條款及細則 Terms & Conditions:
- 每次購物只限使用一個優惠碼 Only one discount code can be used per purchase.
- 時間以完成付款程序及電腦顯示為準 Time to complete the payment process and computer record shall prevail.
- 如有任何爭議,Blooms保留最終決議權 In case of any dispute, the decision of Blooms Roastery ~ Craft Tea shall be final.

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